Join us this summer for the 2019 National Bible Bee Competition!

-What the Bible Bee is     

     The National Bible Bee Competition equips families to study and memorize God’s Word. Starting in June, participants, ages 7-18, join together in studying a book or passage of the Bible. There is a study guide, called the Discovery Journal, that aids in studying and applying God’s Word. The Discovery Journal includes key word studies, cross-references, and historical context of the study passage. Each week, you will be given several memory passages that correlate to the study passage. At the end of the summer, there is an online test based on study material from the summer program. Those with the top 120 test scores have the opportunity to advance to the Nationals, which are held in Kentucky in the fall. 

-How to do the Bible Bee     
     Study for the Bible Bee can be done as an individual or together with your family. Younger children may need help from parents, while older children can probably complete the study on their own. Some families memorize and study as a family, while other families choose to do it mostly on an individual level. The key is to find what works best for your family. Either way, I encourage each family to share what they have been learning with other family members. 
     The Discovery Journal can be completed by studying approximately 30 minutes per day. Some areas have a local host group that connects families with other families who are studying for the Bible Bee. (To see if their is a local host group near your go to and click on “2019 host locations”.) While it is helpful to be part of a local host group, if there is not one in your area you can still connect with other Bible Bee famlies by going to and joining the online Bible Bee Community.

Why I encourage you to do the Bible Bee
   There are five main reasons why I would challenge you to participate in the Bible Bee. 
     First, the Bible Bee is centered around the Word of God. God’s Word is relevant to every day of life and hiding it in our hearts equips us to navigate through life. The Word of God that I have memorized has both encouraged me and guided me in making decisions. What could be better for young people than to build their lives upon the firm foundation of God’s Word!
     Second, the Bible Bee equips individuals to study the Bible for themselves. Through the Bible Bee, I have learned how to take a book or passage of the Bible and study it in depth. Though I no longer participate in the Bible Bee, I have kept studying God’s Word using the skills that I learned from the Bible Bee.
     Third, the Bible Bee strengthens family relationships. As I have studied God’s Word with my siblings, my relationships with them have been strengthened. While studying, we often share with each other what we have been learning.
      Fourth, the Bible Bee is a great network for meeting other godly families. Since our family has done the Bible Bee, we have gained many close friends from all across the country. 
      Last, the Bible Bee teaches young people to be disciplined. The Bible Bee has taught me to discipline myself to study and memorize God’s Word even when I do not feel like it. The discipline that I learned from doing the Bible Bee has benefited me in many other areas of life.

-How you can get involved today!
     You can sign up today by going to!


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  1. This sounds wonderful, I’ve been wanting to help my children memorize more Scripture. I was just curious what Bible version is used since there are so many and they are all different? Can everyone pick the version they want to memorize?

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