September 17, 2007
We have been enjoying our new blessing, Rebecca. It is hard to believe she is nearly one week old! Time seems to go to so much faster after the baby is born, while the hours before seem rather long! So far she has spent much of her time sleeping or eating and of course, being loved and held in our arms. Grandma Bontrager and Elizabeth both love babies!
My sister, Sarah, and 2 of her children, Lawrence and Sarah Elizabeth, came from NY to spend the weekend with us. What a joy it was to have them here. Sarah Elizabeth is only 2 days younger than our Elizabeth. The 2 of them spent most of their time playing dolls and dishes together. I think Elizabeth will be rather lonely tomorrow without her little playmate.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

We are enjoying the last beauties that our gardens have to offer.


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  1. YAY! I can’t wait to get her in my arms! 😉
    Love and miss you… (kinda silly considering we live only 30 minutes from each other!)
    We seriously need to talk chels! *wink*
    Love ya – and kiss her for me!

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