This summer, Elizabeth, Hudson, and Rebecca did the Bible Bee’s summer study.  After 8 weeks of  studying and memorizing, they took the written test.  We are happy to announce that Hudson and Rebecca have advance to Nationals and have already begun the work of memorizing about 750 verses that have been assigned to the Junior division.

We are grateful for the amazing opportunity to be a part of Bible Bee, an organized effort to commit large portions of Scripture to memory, as well as learning in depth methods of studying God’s Word.  In addition, we have met many godly families who have had a positive influence on our lives.  Most of all, we have found that memorizing the Bible has given us a greater love for God and His precious Word.

Psalm 119:97-176 “O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.”


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  1. Congratulations to Hudson and Rebecca on making it to Nationals! I'm so happy for them and encouraged to see them pursuing the Word of God while they are still young.

    But I also want to say congratulations especially to Elizabeth – for being diligent to hide God's Word in your heart, for encouraging your younger siblings with your example, for showing that you are able to balance life and priorities by investing so much time in the most meaningful things of life. Keep studying and seeking Christ! No matter whether it is for competition or just to learn more about our Creator and learn His Words to share with others, you will be rewarded! 🙂

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