Take a few minutes to read this excellent article written by Taylor!!
As we daily sift through a myriad of oncoming news and incoming notifications, there is one thing for which we should be eternally grateful. When we encounter deceptions within the church and the onslaught of cultural pressures, there is still one thing we have to stand upon. That one rock is God’s word (Matthew 7:24-25, Luke 6:48)!
Since the day when Satan subtly whispered in Eve’s ear, “Yea hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1), to Paul’s day when many were “corrupting the word of God” (2 Corinthians 2:17), until the apostate day we live in, there has always been a Satanic attack on God’s word. For centuries, men have tried to twist and pervert the written word of God. In defiance of the strong warning contained in Revelation 22:18-19 and Proverbs 30:6, unbelieving man has been adding to and taking away from the Bible. The same tactic used by Satan in the garden remains in use today to cast doubt upon the word of God and thus corrupt the minds of Christians “from the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3). From that dreadful garden moment until now, Satan has been working hard to question, cast doubts about, mess with, corrupt, remove, rewrite, defile, discard, destroy, and pervert the pure word of God.
The relevant question for today is this: do we actually possess the inspired, infallible, inerrant, written word of God in the English language? Did God keep His promise to preserve His word or not (Psalm 12:6-7, Isaiah 59:21)? Is every word of God pure? If not, then we have no shield
of defense against the lies of the enemy (Proverbs 30:5). Is the law of the Lord really perfect (Psalm 19:7)? Did Jesus give us His living word that liveth, abideth, and endureth forever (John 17:8,14; 1 Peter 1:23-25)? Is God’s word true from the beginning? Do His righteous judgments endure forever (Psalm 119:160)? Is the word of God incorruptible (1 Peter 1:23)? If you cannot agree with the Divine Author’s testimony about His own word and answer in the affirmative, then you must believe (knowingly or not) that God lost his words, allowed them to die and fall apart, and broke His eternal promise. Or, have unbelieving scholars perverted and corrupted
the written word of God to make a profit, as God warned us long ago (2 Corinthians 2:17, 2 Peter 2:3, Titus 1:11, Jude 1:11)?
In John 18, Pilate sneered at Jesus and asked, “What is truth?” The devil continues to throw the same question at the hearts of many Christians today. Why? Because they don’t hold a Bible they can implicitly trust. If you hold in your hands two different Bibles containing different words translated from two opposing texts, then which can you say is the truth? You cannot accurately say, “I hold the truth in my hands”. Either one is true, or both are false; but both cannot be the truth! When Satan tempts you with, “Yea hath God said?” can you with confidence wave your Bible back in his face and say, “Thus saith the Lord”? When the modern-
day Pilate sneeringly asks, “What is truth”, can you answer him by handing him a Bible that is without doubt the preserved and infallible word of God?
When it comes to God’s word, there are only two sides of the coin. Either one must believe that God preserved His written word and we actually have it in our language as He promised; or one must admit that God broke His promise to preserve His word to all generations and allowed it to get corrupted. Many will claim that God’s word is preserved and inerrant, but only in the original autographs. In reality, they believe that God inspired men to write His word, and then He “preserved” it until the first copy of the original manuscript was made. However, God did not break His promise to preserve His word when an original autograph was destroyed. In
fact, Moses broke the original autograph of the Ten Commandments. Additionally, Jeremiah’s prophetic scroll was cut up and burned by King Jehoiakim; another original prophetic manuscript was thrown into the Euphrates river. Yet today, we read faithful copies of those infallible words in our Bible (Exodus 32:15,19; Jeremiah 36:2,23 and 51:60-64). Jesus’ promise to His disciples that His “words would not pass away” came centuries after Moses and Jeremiah’s original autographs had been destroyed. So did Jesus tell a lie in Matthew 24:35? Or has He providentially preserved His word from one copy to the next, giving us a perfect Bible today based on the preserved Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic text?
If God’s word isn’t 100% accurate, then it obviously contains errors. Why should we live by something that contains errors? Does the version you hold in your hands add and take away from God’s word (Deuteronomy 4:2)? Does it omit whole verses of the Bible and substitute words to alter the pure Word of God? Is it based on a corrupt text compiled by unbelieving scholars who in reality hated God and His word? If so, then it cannot be trusted. In reality, if we can’t trust all of the Bible, then we can’t trust any of it. If we don’t have a perfect Bible, then we have nothing to stand on. Moreover, if what you hold in your hand isn’t preserved, then without doubt, it is perverted. If it isn’t the truth, it’s a lie. If you can’t be sure of all of it, then you can be sure of only one thing—that you can be sure of none of it. As one man once accurately remarked, “The departure from the true word of God has produced the Siamese twins of confusion and falling away from the truth.” No wonder we see many modern churches today plunging into apostasy and false doctrine!
In summary, my question for you is this: do you know that the Bible you hold in your hands is without doubt the inspired, infallible, inerrant, eternal, pure, perfect, preserved word of God?
In Christ,
Thank you so much, Taylor. However, yes the scriptures have the words of God but I believe the Word of God is Jesus.
You are right that Jesus is the Word of God (John 1). However, the revelation of that Word is the written word of God. If we can’t trust the written word of God (The Bible) than we most certainly cannot trust the Word of God who authored it.
True. I supposed it's just that it can be misinterpreted. Thank you for deciphering the two.
That’s a good article! A couple years ago when we were at a concert of yalls, my brother said you talked about a little booklet or something of the type about the King James Version and why it’s the pure Word of God. Do happen to remember what the booklet/ pamphlet was called? If not, that’s ok.😁
I believe I told him about a documentary called “Lamp in the Dark”. I’d also recommend a short book called “Lets Weigh the Evidence” by Barry Burton. If you want to do a more in depth study, you can email us and I’d be happy to send you some recommendations.
Thank you Taylor for this encouraging article. Our world needs young men who are solely focused on glorifying God with their lives. May your article reach many young men and spur them on to a closer walk with the Lord.
Hey Taylor,
Thanks for your article! I can see that this topic is something you have put a lot of thought into and believe strongly about. I'm curious – are you arguing for a particular translation (KJV?), or are you simply challenging your readers to carefully evaluate their beliefs about the preservation of the Bible?
“Do you know that the Bible you hold in your hands is
without doubt the inspired, infallible, inerrant, eternal, pure, perfect, preserved Word of God?”
I have only found one English Bible with which I can confidently answer this question with an emphactic YES!
Hmm, that's interesting. 🙂 During my work with the contest materials for the National Bible Bee, I was simultaneously immersed in four translations. It actually bolstered my faith in how God preserved His Word through the translation process, even though different words were chosen by the different translations. Even the bigger "discrepancies" were never big enough to compromise the overall meaning of the text.
I know that blog comments are not a good place for a discussion, so I would be open to carry on via email if you'd like. 🙂 I also have a couple of resources in mind, if you're interested in looking at an alternate viewpoint. Or, we can leave it at this and just agreeably disagree. 🙂
Logically speaking if one translation has a verse that another one does not have, either the first translation is adding to God’s word or the second is taking away. (The same applies to messing with doctrines and removing and substituting words.) The questions we must answer is do we have a Bible that is error free? Psalm 138:2 says, “God has magnified His word above His name.” A man’s name is only as good as his word. If we can’t trust God’s written word to be error free, then we can’t trust God Himself.
You are most welcome to email me if you’d like to discuss this further! in**@bo********************.com
Amen, brother!
A very well-thought out, well-written article…keep standing for the truth!
Very well written. Taylor.
I agree that if we're comparing different Bibles and taking a lot out of context isn't good.
I really like this and want to share it with others
Feel free to pass it on!
Remember that God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). The same God that inspired the Bible has the power to preserve and keep His words. And He so faithfully has kept that promise (Psalm 12:6-7)!
Thank-you Taylor for speaking the truth about God's perfect word!! SO thankful that we have the pure word of God!
Hello, what is it, thst Taylor wants to say with his article?
The goal is to get Christians to consider the preservation of God's infallible word and the confidence we can have in reading a Bible that is 100% pure!