We were so blessed with the opportunity to be in LaCrete, Alberta for a weekend of concerts. We sang three times, which meant singing some golden oldies so we wouldn’t be singing the same songs 3 times in a row.:) Both the climate and culture in this lovely town up north are so very unique. This is called the “Land of the Midnight Sun”, for good reason. Can you imagine going to bed (at 11:00) with the sun shining brightly and waking up (at 6:00) to what looks like a sun that has been up for hours? The incredible growing season, although not long, is very productive with about 20 hours of daily sunshine. That fact, along with limited & expensive fresh food might be the reason that I saw so many lush gardens in the lovely town of LaCrete. Even the back yards in developments often had large gardens. They also have a unique perspective on distance. Someone at our concert told me that our concert in Sexsmith was right next to the town of Grand Prairie. When we got there we realized that the towns were 10 miles apart! We were also told that it is not unusual for someone to make the 2 hour shopping trip to a town for shopping and lunch! (Today we are in the town of Watson Lake whose citizens will make the 5 hour trip to Whitehorse for a special treat to a restaurant and some shopping.) We were so blessed with the many families that came to our concerts. Hearing a baby cry only adds beauty to the music. Marlin loved the opportunity of talking over coffee on Saturday morning to a young man who had brought his wife and little baby to our concert the night before. These young couples are so eager to learn, so expectant as they listen to Biblical teaching, really wanting to be followers of Jesus. It felt like we left part of our hearts in LaCrete. We truly hope it won’t be long before we can visit our dear friends in this town (that isn’t even on the map) again.
We had the brand new experience of riding a ferry on the way to and from LaCrete.
The church in LaCrete allowed us to use their kitchen so Allison and Denver took the opportunity to make pancakes for breakfast.
Chelsy mixed up a delicious strawberry drink for a special treat.
-posted by Becky
Looks like you all are having a tone of fun and creating a lot of memories!
In Christ,