Have you ever discovered a treasure that was in your house, untouched, after 2 years? That is exactly what I did about a month ago when I opened up the book, “100 Days of Blessings-Volume 2”. Wow! What an inspiration this book has been! Every chapter is filled with many Scriptures and nuggets of truth to help mothers remember what a noble calling is theirs. Mrs. Campbell covers topics from “attitudes” to “training children to be royalty” to “”not ashamed” to “teaching our children to listen” and much, much more. Every morning that I take the time to read another chapter in this book, I am edified, encouraged, strengthened, and reminded that it is an honor to be a mother! I find that no matter what season of motherhood I am in, I need to fill my mind with truth to combat the humanistic, worldly teachings that are everywhere. Books, movies, magazines, conversations, and media are many times filled with half truths and outright lies that do NOT agree with Scripture. What a blessing it has been to read a book that not only agrees with the Bible but has many verses of Scripture throughout the book. I still don’t know why I didn’t begin to read it 2 years ago when Nancy Campbell, the author, gave it to me after our concert in the large basement of their country home but I do know that I am very thankful that I found it and began to read it.So please head on over to Above Rubies to order your copy today. Or you can enter our giveaway for the chance to win either Volume 1 or 2.
We are excited to partner with in the giveaway of this life-changing book, 100 Days of Blessing, by wife, mother, grandmother, author, and legend, Nancy Campbell. This book will encourage all mothers to maintain a grateful perspective amidst the busyness and challenges of life and raising children.
VOLUME 1 or 2 of this book could be yours for free! There’s only one catch. You must be a mother or mother-to-be in order to enter the drawing. Right now, simply enter the following information in the comment box: What’s your name? How many children do you have? What topic would you like to see addressed in the “mommies” series?
We will draw 2 winners on May 10. Until then, you can go to Above Rubies to buy your own book. If you’re reading this post and you’re not a Mother, consider giving this excellent book to your mother, aunt, wife, sister, cousin, pastor’s wife, or friend (or any other mother who needs some encouragement) for Mother’s Day.
My name is Alicia. I'm a momma to three little girls ages 3, 22months, and 2 weeks. I would love to read some wisdom and insight on caring for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of your children when you have more than one!
Oh I just love Nancy Campbell! We haven't gone to a Family Camp in a number of years so I really miss talking with her. My friend who is 81 enjoys talking with Nancy and is always desiring to pass what she learns to younger wives and mothers.
Oops! I knew I was forgetting something. I'm Regina Shea. I'm mom to three daughters ages 23, 21 and 17. I guess maybe topic on courtship would be good. I've been interested ever since my girls were little.
Hello! My name is Chana, and I'm momma to 5 blessings! I'd love for you to address time management, how to help siblings get along, home organization, managing a larger family and any tips on how to keep things running smoothly.
Name: Kristal
Number of Children: 3
Topic of Interest: I would love to hear about home discipleship (how did you bring your children to the Lord and foster a real heart towards Jesus). Homeschooling through high school (tips, how to select homeschool materials). Dealing with disobedience. Practical and effective ways to discipline. Ways you fostered family togetherness, especially when your oldest kids were all young. Sorry, so many questions!
Thanks for the opportunity and contest!
My name is Jennifer and I am the mother of 9 children. I don't know if it would be possible, but maybe a post about having a special needs child while having lots of other children.
My name is Rachel Miller and I have 1 son who is a normal child, alternating between charming and annoying.😀 We are at the stage where I'd like to hear about potty training.
My name is Cheryl Smith, and after many years of infertility struggles and 12 1/2 years of marriage, God opened my barren womb and sent us one precious baby boy! He is such a dear blessing to our hearts and is now 17 years old. God is SO good! Something that it is very much overlooked when it comes to motherhood and the celebration of it is the fact that many sisters in Christ struggle with infertility and feel very alone and excluded on days like Mothers Day. It can be a very painful time of feeling left out, not that mothers intend hurt, but it is just something that is not on people's minds when they are easily able to have children. So, that would be my suggestion to maybe include hope and empathy for those hurting hearts and draw them in and make them feel included. Thanks for listening!
Hi Mrs. Cheryl,
In our church we have ladies who have struggled with infertility for 17+ years. Our single ladies always give these women gifts and flowers on mothers day. They are so thoughtful to them which make them feel special…we appreciate our single daughters for being so sweet and making these women feel loved. We call them "aunt"!
Hi! Love this giveaway and I love Nancy's faithful instruction and encouragement to mothers. I am Mary Landis and we have five kiddos. I'd love to see patience and showing the Father heart of God to our children discussed in the mommy series. Thanks so much!
M name is Krista Bailey. I have four children ranging in age from 7 up to 12. I would love the topic of navigating the teen years covered. Thank you!
Hi, my name is Tanya Moen. You may remember meeting our family at the Ark last Aug.I have 8 children. My question is how to help young teen daughters through their emotions. We have 6 girls!=) we are so blessed!
Hello! My name is Molly Montgomery and I have two little blessings; a two and a half year old son and a 6 month old daughter:-) I would love to learn more about how to keep their love for each other strong, throughout their lives. Thank you so much for your ministry and for your blog, I enjoy it very much!
My name is Rosalind Atkinson. I have been blessed with an 18 month old son and a 4 month old son. I would like to receive encouragement on how to be a patient mother. I'm the oldest of 14 children and my mother was not very patient and had a quick temper. I can get impatient with my little boy and I don't want him to see me act in the same way as my mother acted. I want him to know I love him and for him to respect me and love me. God bless y'all.
Shell Potter
7 children
Ways to encourage siblings in strengthening their relationships.
Rebecca. I have 2 kids , ages 5 and 3.
I'd like ideas about homeschooling.
My name is Sara friesen mother of five beautiful treasures. Our hearts desire is to have a family that is centered on Jesus and full of love for each other and whoever we meet… so I'd love to hear more on that!
Name: Anete
Children: two kids (3 and 1 year old)
Topics: how to teach work (living in an appartment), how do you choose GOOD books for kids – what are your criteria for them (english is not our first language, so I`d appreciate criteria more than an actual book list), lots of examples on how to discipline (what consequences have you chosen for what..), how do you use everyday situations to teach kids about God.
Thanks for blogging!
Greetings Mrs. Bontrager! My name is Kim. I have 6 children and a wonderful loving patient husband whom God graciously gave to me. I would first like to say thank you for your commitment to invest in the lives of other Christian families who desire to glorify God! I know we have yet to meet, but I am praying to meet you one day and your lovely family! I would love to learn more on how to delegate responsibilities to my daughters without it appearing/seeming to diminish my role as mother. Also topics on modesty, how to get my daughters to not want to dress like the girls in the world or the church. And for my sons to respect my authority without trying to lead me. Your family encourages me to keep the good fight of faith, none of my children are trusting Christ, but it appears the Lord is working in a few of them from their discussions and fruit that is being displayed. We read your children's blogs and find great encouragement, wisdom and virtue. It's tough out here when your family are all non-believers and not many Christian families who desire to grow in godliness TOGETHER! There are blessings to be found in having a computer! Thank you again for all you do for the Kingdom of God! And thank you for your generosity for the book.
My name is Alayna. I have 4 daughters. 9, 8, almost 6 and 3. I would love to hear about helping them get along more, responsibilities and for the tween age.
My name is Michelle and we have 5 amazing children. I would love to hear more about how you helped foster sibling relationships. Your children seem to be wonderful friends. Also, how did/do you help them discover and pursue skills and jobs.
Marissa Wadlington
4 children
I would love to hear how to carve out a little time to yourself when you are a homeschooling mom.
Hi! I'm Elizabeth and i have seven children. I'd like to be encouraged in all areas of motherhood and as wife. Thanks 🙂
Hi my name is Genida Martin and I have one 9 month old precious little girl after 9 yrs of marriage. I would love to hear about staying close to your children throughout life
Hi! My name is Anna, I have one little one aged one year and three months and I am 14 weeks pregnant with our second! I would really like to see Scriptures applied specifically to motherhood (not necessarily verses ABOUT motherhood, but verses and passages of general subjects applied specifically to motherhood).
My name is Cindy Vanderpol. I am a mother of 9, ages 21 to 7. The topic I would like to see addressed is the transition to having adult children living at home.
Shannon Koehn
5 children
I'd like to see some scheduling tips and tricks. I used to have it altogether and after baby #5 that all changed!! Laundry is always behind, the house is behind, I'm behind on grading school. It's all behind. Lol. The kids have their jobs and do a fabulous job of helping me out, but these past two years have been chaos for mom! I know I'm prob the only one that feels that way. My kids are fine with it and my hubby is find with it, but mom is NOT! I need order!!
My name is Rae Arsenault. I have a 17 month old darling baby boy! I would like to read about disciplining.
Momma to be!! We are expecting a baby til November!! I would love to hear tips for new mommas!!
My name is Melissa Stutzman. We have 7 children. I would love to hear about ways to encourage positive relationships and responses in our children (trying to discourage the negative ones is not working). I love Nancy Campbell and Above Rubies ministry. As well as yours.
Anita Krahn I have 2 girls, 5 and 7 years old. I would like to learn to get better in training up little girls, I always feel I do so many things wrong
Hello, my name is Saraí but I am writing from my daughter’s account. I am from Mexico and I have 2 sons and 1 daughter. I really love them and I would like to learn more about how to guide them on the way of the Lord and be a blessing for their lives.
My name is Jennifer. I have 3 children. I would like to read about how to communicate the gospel to children when disciplining them for disobedience.
Hi 🙂 My name is Ali Hoyt, I have two precious young daughters (and 1 baby in heaven due to a miscarriage). I would love to see the topic of how to raise godly children to be best friends and to wear their faith proudly in a world and culture that is increasingly self-oriented. Thank you so much for this encouraging blog, I hope you all have a blessed day <3.
This looks awesome! My name is Kayla Mellas and I have one son who is one year old today. 🙂 I'd love to hear your thoughts on conquering fear and learning to trust God in every season of life as a mom.
My name is Elissa Manion, and I have one sweet little boy who turns 2 next week. I would love to hear some wisdom on the topic of how to teach obedience without training my children to be legalistic.
My name is Julianne, so far my husband and I have been blessed with a 2 year old son and a 2 month old daughter. At this stage I’d als love to hear if you have any potty training tips and suggesting for curbing whining!
My name is Lucy. My husband and I have 3 little blessings. I would love to hear about giving your little ones responsibilities when they are small in order for them to be a help to Mom. Also, I’d like to hear about ways of prioritizing time with your children individually in order to really get to know their heart.
My name is Sandy, I have one son. I would like to hear about the influence of friends on our children. The book sounds very exciting.
My name is Esther and I have one daughter and another on the way. I would love to hear experience how you deal with different personalities, talents, giftings in each child, while still keeping the ground rules in the home, but allowing them to develop into their own person and calling God has for them. What you learnt maybe from children who are opposite in character than yourself etc……..
My name is Wendy. We have 10 children. Please write regarding your training of sibling relationships. Purposeful persistent actions you have utilized would be appreciated :). Thank you for your encouraging offer!
Hello! My name is Dana and I’ve been blessed with 7 children! I would love to read these books and I thank you for reviewing them! I would also love to hear how you overcome discouragement when it creeps in as a mother. Mostly, just when the day to day schedule/schooling/household duties tend to pile up. Thank you!!
My name is Dana and I have been blessed with 7 children! I would love to win a copy of the book! I would also love to read your thoughts on dealing with daily discouragement while homeschooling and raising a large family. It’s so hard to be joyful at times and keep my focus on the Lord when responsibilities overwhelm me. Thank you!!
My name is Jo. Excited to see the results.
Linda Mitton
9 children
Ideas for not missing doing things with the younger children that you did with the older ones.
I'm Carrie, mom to 3 little boys. I would love to read about discipline,strengthening relationships between parents and children, and ideas for leading them to love the Lord and His Word.
My name is Amber Miller, and we have two little boys – a two year old and a newborn. A few things I am interested in learning more about is mothering well in the little years, about habit training, potty training, how to manage time well (esp pertaining to social media), and how to start teaching Scripture to little ones.
My name is Rachel.
I have 1 beautiful precious little girl who is 2 this month. 🙂 I also have 4 babies in heaven.
I'd love to hear about how to raise strong willed children and to train that personality for the Lord! 🙂
My name is Kate, and I am very blessed to have six beautiful children ranging in age from 13 years to six months old, also two miscarried babies in the Lord's hand.
I would be interested to learn about ways to maintain a peaceful, unharried attitude – and any tips on training children and young adults to have the same! I would also love to hear about the logistics of courtship. Many thanks!
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