Elizabeth with Grandpa Arlis
Elizabeth & Rebecca loved playing dolls with their 2nd cousin, Loribeth
Mitchell and Rebecca having fun together. 🙂
Joshua, Hudson, Denver, & Taylor enjoyed a swim with 2nd cousin Brandon
Smiles from Mitchell & Rebecca
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
Psalm 103:1
Oh,what a cute picture of Rebecca!(the last one)
Oh,what a cute picture of Rebecca!(the last one)
Oops I just published it twice :/
AWW Rebecca is so cute! I have a brother named Brandon:D
I know I may be biased, being related and all, but I think you're all quite handsome or beautiful, whichever applies….but….Rebecca steals the show!
Such nice pics! So sweet of Elizabeth with Grandpa Arlis and the other girls with dolls! Such nice ones of Rebecca with Mitchell. All so nice!
Rebecca K.
Where did you get those adorable dolls?
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