We got home on March 16th and were planning on leaving a few days later for a thirteen day trip to Bolivia to sing and minister there. But as we all know (hands raised anyone!), plans change. In Mexico, we were all exposed to chicken pox, but weren’t expecting to get it as twice before Hudson, Rebecca, and I had intentionally tried unsuccessfully to get the pox. So not even touching the person with the pox would give us the pox? Wasn’t likely. So the possibility left our minds as we journeyed along through Mexico and Texas for another two weeks. But on the last night of tour, Rebecca came down with yes, the unplanned for chicken pox. Upon hearing the news I (Liz) realized that I did have an itchy spot, but it hadn’t occurred to me that it was a pox. Then Joe, the friend who travels and sings with us, realized that those “pimples” were actually pox!! So the day we get home, we had three individuals coming down with pox. (Hudson escaped…for then at least! About two weeks later, he and Micah had it together.) Flying on a plane with pox all over your face?… not happening! And as this somewhat new hype called corona virus was becoming a global scare and borders and flights were being shut down, we weren’t sure that flying to Bolivia was the wisest decision. In reality, it wasn’t the flying part that was as much of the issue as the, “being stuck in a foreign country” part. So the decision was made, with pox+pandemic considered, to stay home.
And thus followed a marvelous two months of home life.
For some, staying home can be very lonely (and we get that). But with a family of twenty-one (and counting!) loneliness isn’t in the vocabulary. We filled these spring days with schoolwork, farm chores, baby snuggles, cooking+baking up lots of yummy food, music practice, family devotions, walks in the fresh air, gardening, and evenings of games+movies together as a family. Here’s a snapshot into these days!
The chicken pox crew!
Joe stayed around for a few days after tour. We enjoyed jamming one evening.
So many special times around the dinner table.
Fun afternoon at Mitchell + Bryn’s.
We loved each moment spent with these dear littles!
When it’s just the ladies at home, why not have your lunch (crepes + izzies) picnic style in the bedroom?!
Denver + a friend, passing out tracts.
Coffee date! (picking up breakfast + coffee at one of our favorite cafes.)
Though we love spring, there are some of us who really love winter, so we were pleased with snow on April 15th!
Homemade ice-cream with chocolate sauce- it doesn’t get any better than this!!
Ticket To Ride!
Butchering party!
Denver’s bacon is the best!
Evening ride to see the (ahem!) skid-loader being pulled out of the creek.
Wallace came back to watch and was quite enthralled with the whole situation! What was quite humorous was when he pointed to the creek and said “water!”, and then pointed to the skid-loader and said “boat!”. Oh the little minds of children!
Prepping the ground for seeds.
Four-wheeler rides!
Science in the sunshine!
Helping Grandma knot a comforter.
Music practice!
School time
A habit in progress…. reading in the afternoons!
Denver and Rebecca reverting back to childhood one evening!
When you can’t go out to eat on a date night, you just set up a romantic date in the girl’s bedroom!
Special walking memories!
The beauty of spring!
Town run + drinks from the coffee shop = good times!
Lots of laundry to hang out!
So thankful for our hard-working farmers: Dad, Denver, Taylor and Hudson.
When you only live half a mile… It’s hard to stay away from this cutie!
Denver hauled some manure this spring and did a fantastic job of it!
Cleaning the tanks.

“I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.”
Psalm 130:5
Talk to us! What was your best spring memory?
Chicken pox!? Wow, that must have been interesting. I love all the pictures! Sounds like you've been having fun. I've been so busy. Bible reading/memory, gardening, school, hauling wood, and so many other things. There's not much time to be bored in our house!
Aww this was so sweet! Your family is so beautiful and precious. God bless!
Even with just 3 in our home we don’t get lonely and certainly not bored. Schooling, gardening, painting the interior of the house, crafts and preparing to sell at local farmers market when they open. Also, helping out those less fortunate than us with food. We stay busy. I too love winter. I was definitely planted in the wrong geographical area (Texas)!
Johnna+ Lily, sounds like you all have been having wonderful springs at your homes!
Wow Liz!! Picnics in your bedroom – that sounds like a lot of fun! And the girls' room is beautiful!
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