May 16, 2014
The gardens are bursting with new life this spring.  We have wonderful green onions and spinach already!
Hudson is a great at putting seeds in the ground.

Denver is Mother’s right hand man of the garden crew.
Rebecca loves helping in the flower garden.  She and I had a wonderful time working in the warm spring air.
Our vegetable gardens are mostly tended by this amazing crew!  Mother, Denver, Taylor, Liz, and Hudson work together very well, and their diligence brings delicious rewards!
Gideon came over one afternoon and we did some cooking together.
This guy is such a darling!
We had some trees trimmed this spring, and some of the boys have been enjoying exercising their wood-shopping skills.
Here is Carson, the mechanic, hard at work.
The boys and Dad have been enjoying some rather competitive basketball games together this spring.
Sprouting seeds are spring exemplified, aren’t they?  What a beautiful sight!
Chelsy made a wonderful sparkling lemon pineapple drink for lunch one day.  Fruit and carbonated water are certainly a delicious combination!
Spring is a time to remember the goodness of our Father in Heaven.  He showers us with good gifts; in fact, every gift in our lives is from His hand.  
I have been reminded this spring of how utterly kind and loving the Lord is to us.  Every warm breeze, each bud bursting in bloom, every star in the night sky, they all proclaim a loving Creator.  I have also been reminded that the wrong and pain and trouble in this world is due to no lack of our Father’s love- it is all the result of sin.  His love is the greatest there will ever be.  No human can ever possibly love as He has loved.  He gave His life, the ultimate sacrifice, and gives grace and mercy beyond our imagination.  May we each praise and love Him today, and ask Him to help us to begin to love others in the utterly sacrificial and poured-out way He does.
“Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.” (James 1:17a)
[posted by Allison]


family, farm, food, home, memories

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Leave a Reply
  1. What a delightful peek into your home life in Spring. 🙂 I have a feeling that I could learn a thing or two from your family on gardening! What a blessed thing to do outdoors in the sunshine. 🙂 I love how y'all work together.

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