March 24, 2020
October, November, and December Recap…
 Late nights. Combine and tractor brake-downs. Grocery shopping for hungry children. Memories. Sleep or lack of:). Christmas Show practices. Music lessons. Birthdays. Bible Bee. Church. Company. More Memories.Yes, this was our life October-December.
But amidst all that, we still took much delight in the simple sweetness of mealtime conversations, time with our Savior, and enjoying one another!
(Yes, this post is old and should have been posted sooner, but enjoy nonetheless!)
We took advantage of our first snow!
Shopping/lunch/sister time
In October, we all traveled out to NY for our dear Grandpa’s funeral. Forty-four of the fifty grandchildren sang a few songs during the funeral.
 We always love brunch with these dear ones! 
 It doesn’t matter so much where or in what position.The point is that the verses get recited!
Denver worked for Bontrager Family Applicators this fall. (The custom manure hauling business that Dad, Carson and Mitchel own together.) This job makes for perfect sibling time!
Hudson turned 14 in October!
Evening at Mitchel+Bryn’s
In the fall, Dad stayed busy harvesting corn and soy beans.
The day was always brighter when a grand-baby was at the wheel! 
Or when a child came to ride along!
Practicing for the Bible Bee! 
And then there are always “those days“.……
Candlelight service at our church.
On Sunday mornings, Liz loved to go help our Pastor’s wife get her kids ready for church!
This fall, the ladies worked on taking time to stop, rest and read a good book! Chai Lattes accompanied that very well!
 Lets just say, memories were made! This is recording(for our church’s Live Animal Christmas Show) at its finest. When you’ve been in the studio for 5 1/2 hours, it takes a little extra grace and patience!
Our church’s Live Animal Christmas Show was a busy but very fun time for our family!
These are the nights that make life special-those evenings when we take a break from the busyness of life to stop, re-connect and cherish each other.
A special tradition in our house is for Dad and Mom to take the birthday child out on a date. Well, Rebecca turned twelve in September during one of our tours, so with all that was going on during that time it didn’t happen until the next month. But, the point is, it happened!
We enjoyed hosting people around the dinner table!
Wallace is being chill! 
A rare moment in History. Take a deep breath!
Donut day!
Fall decorating means a trip to the nearest corn field!
Chels and Axton were able to make it for a few visits last fall. We loved spending time with them!
Errands with the big sis!
Ladies fall brunch at Cassidy’s!
Nothing like a good game of memory.
Denver is no longer a teenager! On the 5th of December, he turned 20!
The home family+Grandma went to John and Chelsy’s for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time with them!
And of course we LOVED all the snuggles with Axton!
Sunday sibling brunch (plus Charlie, who was staying with us while working for Bontrager Family Applicators)
Coffee shop sister date!
All the loveeeeeeee!!!!
There may be LOTS of other projects calling your name, but that doesn’t stop stomachs from growling, so the pleasure of cooking+baking still continues!
The eight hour drive to the National Bible Bee was full of memories for these guys! Best friends=fun!
Lots of friends to catch up with friends while there!
Adrenalin/Pounding Hearts/Anticipation in the air
This is the Bible Bee!
On December 18, Elizabeth turned 16!
What a glorious sunset to remind us of our Lord’s faithfulness!

“Know therefor that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.”
Deuteronomy 7:9


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  1. Thank You for sharing your family with your readers. You have a beautiful family. Your pastor's family are a bunch of cuties. HAPPY SWEET 16 Elizabeth. Wishing you a year of blessings and happiness. Allison praying for all at this stressful and worrying time. Stay safe and well.
    God Bless
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  2. What a wonderful family God has blessed you with. Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the future at Colonial Baptist Church, Venice, Fl. Until then, stay safe and well.

    Roger & Linda

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