On Saturday we celebrated Chelsy’s graduation from highschool at the NICHE graduation. This was an exciting moment for both Chelsy and her family as we honored her musical and academic accomplishments in the last 11 years. We have made plans to continue this celebration with an open house in addition to her senior piano recital on June 22. All are welcome to attend both events.
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philipians 3:14


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  1. Chelsey,
    I never knew how Royal Blue could bring out the best of your beauty!
    So proud that you earned that beautiful gown and hat!
    Love ya – Nic

  2. Chelsy dear…I know you’re just reading between these lines… I can’t wait to see ya (soon!!!!)! I wish I could have been there, but…I’m comin!
    I love ya lots!

  3. Congrats, Chelsy!! What an exciting time!! I’ll be praying that the Lord gives you clear direction for this time in your life, as you seek His will!!
    God Bless!
    ~Elizabeth Ulmer

  4. Congratulations, Chelsy! Actually, I had the privilege of seeing you graduate. 😀 My sister graduated there, too, and when I saw your name in the program, I thought, “I know who she is”!! 😀 Congrats!

  5. Congratulations Chelsy! May God’s richest blessings be upon your life as you submit to His leading.
    Thank you for your Godly example of honoring your parents and loving your siblings for my children. All our love and best wishes!

    The Zollinger’s (through Vonda)

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