July 21, 2009

Let us remember Paul’s exhortation in I Timothy 2:1&2  “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplication, prayers, intercession,and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and forall that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

We had the privilege of meeting with one of our senators, Mr. Grassley, who took the time to talk to us and hear some of our concerns for our nation.

The Capitol

Visiting George Washington’s farm, Mt. Vernon, was a highlight for the entire family.  We weren’t allowed to take pictures of the house’s interior so you will just have to imagine the beauty of this graceful and majestic yet simple home.  George Washington was a man of integrity, purpose, and vision.  He and Martha were very hospitable and kept many guests, sometimes for long periods of time.

Gardening was one of Mr. Washington’s passions.  He grew vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees to provide for his household and servants in addition to large gardens which he used to grow seed for the following year’s plantings.

The Lincoln Memorial

Rebecca caught a little snooze as we walked to yet another destination.

The Washington Monument

The White House

As we toured this city which is so full of history we were reminded of what our forefathers believed and the principles that this country was founded on.  It does seem as if the very foundations have been eroded, yet our trust remains in God.  
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water:  He turneth it withersoever He will.”  Proverbs 21:1


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